SINCE 1992
Due Date Reminder
You need a local agency to secure your payments in French Polynesia ? 
Today more than ever with the crisis, the debt collection is a strategic function.

Your customers are very busy and sometimes forget to pay at the due date.

With our solution and our strict surveillance of your terms, we help you to accelerate your collections and to minimize the risk of not payment.

Knowledge and proceeding of the local market to maximize your cash recovery 
Act upon issuance of the invoice to detect as soon as commercial litigation and avoid unpaid
Try to settle the outstanding receivable accounts first.

By habit, but also for the sake of cash gain, companies settle their suppliers with an average payment time exceeds 12 days beyond the contractual deadline.

To collect the invoices as quickly as possible, it is sometimes necessary to proceed to preventive reminders, which require know-how and methodology.

Cash Recovery
From the due date, our teams take over to improve the payment deadline
Debt Reminder
Dr Cassiau Street 15
Gondrand Building
1st floor
BP 21124
98713 Papeete
Tel : +689.
mail : contact 
You wish to manage you even the collection of your unpaid invoices. Try Fast Track Recovery System : the shortest way to be paid !  

It is stickers that are designed to be used in conjunction with your outstanding receivable accounts, in an attempt to recover an outstanding amount before having to engage a debt recovery service. 

Contact us
- Edit your usual relaunchings, 

- Apply stickers according to degrees of delay (green, yellow or red),

- Notice the results.

* source IEOM